Our Services

Our Services:

Initial Consultation: This 2 hour consultation to investigate the client’s strengths including ability to visualise and think in pictures. The Initial Consultation (IC) evaluates the client’s potential and readiness to benefit from the non-phonic, multi-sensory Davis Program.

Davis Dyslexia Correction® Program: This is a 30 hour program, usually completed over one week. The client works one on one with the facilitator. The client is provided with tools and strategies needed for him /her to manage dyslexia and use their dyslexic strengths to achieve their personal goals. The Program has been demonstrated to have a 97% success rate. (See research at Dyslexia Science Research). Usually no follow up is needed, but follow up is provided, if requested, at no charge. (See What About The Program)

Davis Reading Program for Young Learners: This program can be used by teachers and / or parents and is designed for students under the age of 8. A 3 hour course with the facilitator empowers the parent or teacher so they can use the kit provided with the client, or in the classroom. This program is based upon the same non-phonic and multi-sensory approach as the Davis Dyslexia Correction program.

Davis Attention Mastery program: a drug free program to help people with ADD. It is a 30 hour program which focusses upon behaviours described under the over arching title of Attention Deficit Disorder. Davis tools and procedures can help the A.D.D. child (or adult) achieve self-control and over come problems with focusing attention and staying on task.

Davis Maths Mastery provides tools to correct problems encountered in learning maths. These learning problems are sometimes called dyscalculia and can often accompany dyslexia and ADD symptoms. The Davis approach goes to the root issues that cause some people to have problems understanding and learning maths with traditional teaching methods. Visual-spatial thinkers are often confused by the words and symbols which describe maths functions. When the foundation concepts for understanding all mathematics are mastered, learning maths becomes easy.

Other Services :

Information Session for community, school or parent groups: A 2 hour power point presentation by Facilitator Annette which explains the background of the internationally successful Davis approach to resolving problems with dyslexia and other related difficulties. A question and answer time is included.

Dyslexic Screening Test - The Dyslexic Screening testing (DST) is a nationally-normed screening test designed by Dr. Angela Fawcett and Prof. Rod Nicolson of the University of Sheffield, and was first published in 1996 by the Psychological Corporation, 32 Jamestown Road, London NW1 7BY.

The DST is used by education professionals, and provides an overall 'at risk' index for likely literacy difficulties, together with a 'profile' of scores on a range of skills that provide a basis for identifying appropriate support strategies or for referral for further testing by an appropriately qualified psychologist.